UMBOO Bamboo Modular System For CIBART / India
Client: Inbar-CIBART (India)
Year: 2012
Works: social design, research, furniture design
UMBOO: Multipurpose Hexagonal Bamboo Umbrella
On intergovernmental organization’s invitation Mike Wite went to India for 2 weeks for working on design projects à la Victor Papanek in summer 2012.
This project was made for Indain and African regions with high temperatures, the scorching sun and the rainy seasons, considering the high cost and shortage of building materials. One hexagonal module-umbrella (if the seat is lift up to 75 cm) can combine poor rural schools with a continuous and cofmort shadow. The geometry and area of open-air school could be of any shape, according to the exact landscape. It could be used any available material for canopy – leather, fabric, plastic, leaf etc.